EMDR Therapy

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) was developed by Francine Shapiro in 1989 after she discovered a connection between persistent upsetting memories and eye movement.

Since it’s origin, EMDR has undergone thorough study, at first focused on its effectiveness for treating PTSD and then on the treatment of other challenges including anxiety, panic disorders, substance abuse, depression, eating disorders, chronic issues, pain, performance anxiety, bipolar disorder, dissociative disorders, grief and loss, stress-related issues, sleep disturbance, and difficulties related to sexual assault, violence, and abuse.

Today, EMDR is an evidence-based psychotherapy and widely recognized as one of the best treatments for PTSD.

EMDR and the Brain

The brain has a natural way of recovering from distress which involves the communication between the prefrontal cortex, the hippocampus, and the amygdala. Trauma affects everyone and can interfere with this recovery process due to our natural fight/flight/freeze instincts.

When distress lingers from a disturbing event, upsetting thoughts, emotions, and images can result in feeling frozen in time or feeling as though we are back in the distressing memory. EMDR therapy aids the brain in processing traumatic memories, supporting normal healing communication to resume. While the event is still remembered, the fight/flight/freeze response from the event is resolved.

EMDR was created to activate the brain’s natural healing process by way of alternating sounds, taps, or eye movements.

Experiencing EMDR

The heart of EMDR treatment involves activating parts of the distressing event or traumatic memory and pairing this with dual attention stimulation (alternating sounds, taps, or eye movements). This process seems to support normal information processing and integration.

As a result of EMDR treatment, patients can experience reduced distress, alleviation of symptoms, resolved triggers, improved self esteem, and relief from bodily disturbance.

Experiencing EMDR Therapy